Just a girl who loves Jesus and is ever so thankful for this beautiful life He's given me & the wonderful people He's filled it with. I also like to write from time to time ;) Loving these Tennessee years.

Head over to
Lauren By the Bay to read about my adventures in San Francisco.


Monday, May 7, 2018


It’s two months shy of a year since I last click clacked my way, back and forth, across the keyboard with the intention of adding to this blog. A lot’s been going on, but I thought I’d ease my way back into this, one update at a time. 

So, something new (and I think kind of exciting) is that I became a consultant with Beautycounter. If you are part of my day to day world, you've probably heard me gushing about this already. But let me back up just a bit first. 

Several months ago, I started focusing on a healthier lifestyle. (Shoutout here to my future BIL, Kevin, who not only set me up with a plan, but also answers my endless amounts of texts asking this and that about all things food and exercise related.) I got a bike, joined a gym, and began finding other enjoyable ways to exercise. I began eating healthier foods I actually like and I’ve started experimenting in the kitchen a whole lot. I’ll go as far as to say I consider myself a somewhat decent cook. I’m burning things far less and I’ve stopped screwing up crock pot meals. (Before you say those are impossible to screw up, I assure you, they are not.) I’ll talk more about this journey down the road, but suffice to say I’ve been incredibly focused on what I’ve been putting in my body. 

And then I had a conversation with my friend, Emily, who is a registered dietician and someone who pays a whole lot of attention to what goes into her body. She also happens to be a consultant for Beautycounter. As she began to tell me about this company, their products, and their mission. I became more and more interested. And I realized in this new healthy lifestyle kick, I hadn’t been paying any attention to what I was putting ON my body.

I took home some samples… and forgot about them. But then I remembered and I packed them in my carry-on for a quick trip I was taking. After using the nourishing system for a few days, I was hooked. I could already see and feel a difference in some of my problem areas on my face. I ordered a couple of full-sized items. 

If I’m honest, I’d initially been skeptical. I figured if it’s good for me, it probably wouldn’t work as well. Kind of like that age old food saying… if it tastes good to you, it probably isn’t good for you.

But just like my cooking exploration had proven that saying wrong over the last few months, Beautycounter introduced me to skincare and make-up products that are not only good for my skin, but work amazingly well! So my next step was signing up. In another moment of transparency, I didn’t really have any intention of selling Beautycounter. I just loved it, wanted to use it, and desperately wanted the discount. 

I also loved the mission behind the company. They aren’t in the business of putting other beauty companies out of business. They want to help everyone have access to safer ingredients across the board. Bautycounter has, what they call, their Never List. It's a list of ingredients they promise to never use in any of their products. It's also a list you can use to check the products you currently use. That’s why they do things like go to Washington, D.C. to have a conversation with Congress about passing more health protective laws for the beauty and personal care industry. Cool, right?

Since becoming a customer and then a consultant with Beautycounter, I’ve learned a whole lot of scary facts about the ingredients that go into products I used to use every day. Everything from allergy issues, to hormone imbalances, to cancer concerns are linked to ingredients we put on ourselves every. single, day. I was excited that in my small way, I was getting rid of all that yuck in my life. 

But then I started wanting to tell everyone else about it, too. Not to up my sales, but so that people can up their knowledge when it comes to the kinds of things they’re putting on the skin. 

So that’s how I became not just a consumer of these products, but an advocate of them. If you’ve stuck through this entire story, and are interested in trying some of these products for free, let me know! I’d be happy to get them to you, whether you’re local and I can drop them off, or I send you them do you via the mail. I’m also just happy to answer any questions you might have!

Hope you are all having a wonderful (and sunny) May day. 



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