The snow is falling, ever so lightly, outside. The fire is roaring, a Christmas movie is playing on the television, and the lights from the tree cast a cozy glow over the family room. I am sipping from a mug filled with the most delicious hot chocolate complete with marshmallows.
My Dad, always one to make the most of a day off of work, is chopping more firewood outside. He comes in for the occasional warm-up, the scent of his cigar following him in from the cold.
For a moment time stands still. My family is home, safe, together. There is no talk of the upcoming work week, my return to Tennessee, or my brother's impending move to Colorado. There is just peace and togetherness.
It is the moment I've waited for since coming home for Christmas. The rhythm of my family on our best day. The kind I want to keep on the surface of my memory reservoir to pull out when I'm having a day that isn't like this one.
It is the kind of day that holds promise of things to come. No mistakes have been made. There is nothing to worry about and if there is, it is far from our minds at the moment. It is a bubble day: for a moment we get to be unaffected by the outside world.
I've spent the day reflecting, not on resolutions, but on the goals I am purposing myself to reach this year. I've been asking myself what it is I can do and be better at this year? What are the areas in my life I need to invite God into?
My pastor preached a message not all that long ago in which he told a story of a person who had every reason in the world to worry. His daughter, who'd been going through a rebellious stage, hadn't come home the night before and he had no idea where she was. My pastor said to him that he must be worried out of his mind. This person's response, however, was one that seems to want to write itself on my heart this year.
"I don't worry, I worship."
I reflect back on the last year and all the moments I was worried over something, big or small. All the moments I gave into fears of the unknown instead of trusting the One who knows all, who knows me, and who promises to work all things for the good of those who love Him.
How much of my time and energy have I wasted focusing on worrying about things beyond my control? It makes me not want to take another minute away from worshiping my Heavenly Father.
I am reminded that I have no reason to worry about anything. The One who put us here, holds the entire world in His hands. He has seen the other side of whatever mountains we may face before we ever have a chance to climb them.
Why is it that we tend to forget this? That we get so caught up in the things of this world, we take our eyes off of Jesus and forget how to find our way back? It is a lesson we learn... again and again, and all the while are reminded of God's endless grace for us. He never stops seeking us, wanting to draw us closer to Him.
"I don't worry, I worship." To me, this statement is spoken by someone whose eyes remain steadfastly on our Savior, someone who entrusts his life and the lives of those he loves to the One who first breathed life into each of them.
I look at a day like today, when for a moment all is right in my little world, and it is easy to praise God.
But what about the days that aren't like today? How well do I worship Him then? Do I cave to my lowest when the circumstances seem justified?
When I have every reason in the world to worry, do I approach the throne of God in complete surrender, praising and worshiping Him with a grateful heart? The answer is a resounding, "no." It echoes in my head, hiding itself in my heart where the enemy would like it to stay.
But God shows up. He has a way of showing up in the places we'd like to hide away, doesn't He? He picks us up, dusts us off, and extends His grace.
I want to spend 2016 worshiping my heavenly Father in the moments it may be the most difficult to do so. I want to spend this year resting in my trust for God in all circumstances. I can trust Him because He keeps His promises, because He loves me more than I will ever be able to fully comprehend, because He always has been and always will be trustworthy.
This year, when my instinct is to worry, I will choose to worship.
Love, Prayers, and a very Happy New Year!!