Just a girl who loves Jesus and is ever so thankful for this beautiful life He's given me & the wonderful people He's filled it with. I also like to write from time to time ;) Loving these Tennessee years.

Head over to
Lauren By the Bay to read about my adventures in San Francisco.


Friday, June 23, 2017

Goat Yoga

I had this whole serious, reflective, “I’m turning 30 soon,” blog post planned for today. And while I will post it eventually. I’m squirreling. And this is why...

I saw something on Facebook before I went to bed about Goat Yoga and I spent way too many hours in the middle of the night, thinking about it and trying to figure out if it’s a real thing or not. I literally just started a bucket list so that I could put this on it.

I don’t really understand the concept. The teacher’s there, you’re there, the goats are there, the teacher’s doing yoga, you’re doing yoga, the goats are…? The little practical person living inside my brain wants to reply to that thought with, “no Lauren, the goats are not doing yoga,” but the non practical person occupying the other part of my brain has learned never to make those kinds of assumptions.

And so I wondered...

My limited experience with goats is not enough information for me to decide whether or not a goat is capable of downward facing dog. I mean, if a dog can do it…the implication is there, right? Not to mention, in my month long journey of becoming a yoga genius (see previous post), I’ve learned that a lot of poses are named after animals… meaning we’re mimicking them… meaning they did it first. Meaning it’s absolutely plausible that goats know how to do yoga.

Do you see?? Do you see how this could consume my thoughts for hours on end? Fear not, I did the research so you don’t have to.

Turns out Goat Yoga is sweeping the nation. Well, it’s at least sweeping the goat friendly areas of the nation. This latest fitness craze originated in Oregon. Though, I've read conflicting reports that Michigan is also trying to stake an origin claim.

And people are serious about their goat yoga, my friends. That farm in Oregon, where it supposedly all began, has a 1,200 person waiting list!

It's been described as a great way to take yoga back out into nature, combining all the finest of what she has to offer. It evokes joy and laughter from the participants and provides an all around enjoyable time.

Folks, this lovely part of the nation that I feel so fortunate to live in, is one of the goat friendly ones. And there just so happens to be a farm not too far away that's participating in this latest craze.

You know where this is going, right?

I enrolled in the next available class. I get to experience this nation sweeping phenomenon next week. I promise to report back, possibly with pictures. So, stay tuned. I have a feeling this yoga experience is going to be the Greatest Of All Time.

Comment below and let me know if you'd try it!


P.S. I really hope this is a beginner's class.

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