Just a girl who loves Jesus and is ever so thankful for this beautiful life He's given me & the wonderful people He's filled it with. I also like to write from time to time ;) Loving these Tennessee years.

Head over to
Lauren By the Bay to read about my adventures in San Francisco.


Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Not That Kind of Valentine's Day Post

I don't always talk about being single. (Don't worry... this is not a post about it, not really.) I don't always talk about it because to do so would require revealing a very private part of myself. The truth is, I can't wait for the day I'm married and have a family. I have a longing in my heart to be someone's wife and hear little voices call me Mom. And I trust in God's timing to bring the right man into my life, IF that's His plan for me. But more than that, I want to live a life that honors God and accomplishes whatever kingdom work He has for me while I walk this earth. And if that means being single... for now... or forever... I'm okay with that. I wasn't always. It was certainly a learning curve and a position reached through lots of prayer and God giving me a LOT of grace as I struggled to truly  understand what putting Him first looked like.

I understand today is a hard day for many people. And I don't want to diminish that at all. I know the loneliness this day can bring with it. There have been years my only Valentine’s cards were from my Mom and my Grandmother. Though I love them, I was still guilty of having that “poor me” attitude. Still I've never considered this Singles Awareness Day, and I've never been bitter over those who have a love story to celebrate. Because the truth is, I do too.

And that brings me to thoughts on my heart as I woke up this morning. I was thinking about my Nonie. My great grandmother. She would have been 111 years old today. She has been and continues to be my family's favorite valentine. And as I thought about her, I thought about how she loved well. I didn't get a lot of time with her, but long after she left this world, I saw and continue to see the fruits of her labor. I see it in the love stories of my grandparents, my aunts and uncles, and my own parents. I see it as I watch our family grow through marriage and more recently through the birth of precious children. I can't wait for them to grow and discover the love of this family.

I simply need close my eyes and I see my childhood, soaked in so much love and I am thankful for the forever memories that comes from that. As an adult, I understand how that didn't just happen... that it was work and a daily decision for each of my aunts, uncles, grandparents, and parents. I probably don't tell them enough how thankful I am for the gift they've given my cousins and I in the examples of love and marriage they've set for us.

I know this story didn't start with Nonie... it goes back generations on both sides of my family. I don't know about those stories, though I'd like to. There may have been some brokenness along the way. All I can do is be grateful for what I know. I was blessed to know all four of my grandparents and experience pieces of their stories and to continue to experience them daily. Though my Grandpa is
no longer here, I listen to the stories my Grandma still loves to tell and soak up the wisdom that's given.

So today, in the wee hours of the morning as I sip my tea and remember Nonie on this Valentine's Day, I'm letting my heart settle on the gratitude I have from the love stories I come from. Including the greatest love story of all. The one we ALL come from.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." ~ John 3:16

Love you all and Happy Valentine's Day,


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